Dua When Placing The Deceased in The Grave

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Death is a reality every human must face, and part of honouring those who pass away is following the Islamic tradition when burying the deceased. The moment of placing someone in their grave is filled with emotion and a sense of finality. In this moment, Muslims recite a special dua to seek blessings for the deceased, asking Allah to grant them mercy.

The Dua

Dua When Placing The Deceased in The Grave


بِسْمِ اللهِ وَعَلَى سُنَّةِ رَسُولِ اللهِ


Bismillaahi wa ‘alaa sunnati Rasoolillaahi

Translation (English)

“In the Name of Allah and according to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah.”

Translation (Urdu)

“اللہ کے نام سے اور رسول اللہ کے طریقے کے مطابق۔”

This dua reminds us that we are returning the soul to its Creator, and we place our trust in Allah’s mercy. It connects the act of burial to the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), emphasizing the importance of following his way, even in the final moments of someone’s life.

When to Recite This Dua

Muslims recite this dua when placing the body of a deceased person into the grave. It is a solemn moment, and saying these words brings comfort and reminds us of our reliance on Allah. The dua expresses our hope that Allah will show mercy to the deceased, as we follow the guidance of the Prophet (PBUH) in burying our loved ones.

The Importance of Following the Sunnah

In Islam, every part of life, from birth to death, is guided by the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The burial of the deceased is no different. When we follow the Sunnah in these moments, we fulfill the responsibilities Allah has set for us. By reciting the dua, we demonstrate that we place the deceased in Allah’s hands and trust His wisdom.

The Emotional Comfort of This Dua

Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences anyone can go through. The act of burying them brings sadness, but it is also a time of deep faith. This dua provides comfort to the family and friends present. It reminds us that life and death are both under Allah’s control, and we can only follow the path set for us.

Connecting the Act to Our Faith

When we recite this dua, we strengthen our belief in Allah and acknowledge that we all return to Him. The dua is not just for the deceased; it is a reminder for those still living that we must continue to follow the teachings of Islam. Our lives are temporary, and one day we will be placed in the grave as well, with our family reciting these very words for us.

FAQs About the Dua When Placing the Deceased in the Grave

Q: Can this dua be recited by anyone or only certain people?
Anyone present at the burial can recite this dua. It is a simple but powerful supplication that brings peace to both the deceased and the family members.

Q: Is this the only dua to say when burying someone?
While this is the main dua recited when placing the deceased in the grave, there are other prayers and supplications that can be made during the funeral process, such as asking for forgiveness for the deceased and praying for their entry into Jannah.

Q: Why is it important to follow the Sunnah during burial?
The Sunnah provides a clear path for how to live our lives according to Islam. Following the Sunnah during burial shows our respect for the Prophet’s teachings and ensures that we are fulfilling our duties in accordance with Islamic law.

Q: Can we recite this dua if the person was not Muslim?
This dua is specific to Muslims. For non-Muslims, different funeral traditions apply. It is important to respect the religious practices of others, but this dua is meant for those who followed the way of Islam.

Q: What should I do if I forget to recite this dua during the burial?
If the dua is forgotten, it can be recited at any point afterward. Allah knows the intentions of your heart, and you can always make dua for the deceased in other ways.