Hadith About Khurasan

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Understanding the Teachings and Importance

In Islamic history, many authentic Hadiths discuss various regions, including Khurasan. This specific Hadith regarding Khurasan is significant for Muslims. Understanding the context and meaning behind such narrations is essential to grasp their implications fully. In this article, we will cover each Hadith in English, Urdu, and Arabic, with references and a detailed explanation of the key points discussed in these narrations.

Hadith About Khurasan

Black Banners Emerging from Khurasan

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) mentioned, “There will emerge from Khurasan black banners which nothing will repel until they are set up in Aelia.”

This Hadith emphasizes the significance of a group emerging from Khurasan carrying black banners. They will have a strong purpose and will not be stopped until they reach Aelia (Jerusalem).

In Urdu خراسان سے سیاہ جھنڈے نکلیں گے

نبی کریم ﷺ نے فرمایا: “خراسان سے سیاہ جھنڈے نکلیں گے جنہیں کوئی نہیں روک سکے گا یہاں تک کہ وہ ایلیا میں نصب ہوں گے۔”

اس حدیث میں خراسان سے سیاہ جھنڈے اٹھانے والوں کے عزم و حوصلے کا ذکر ہے، جو اپنے مشن کو کامیابی تک پہنچانے میں کوئی رکاوٹ محسوس نہیں کریں گے۔

In Arabic الأعلام السوداء القادمة من خراسان

قال رسول الله ﷺ: “سيخرج من خراسان رايات سوداء لا يردها شيء حتى تنصب في إيليا.”

Reference for Hadith 1

This Hadith is narrated by Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) and recorded by various scholars, including Nu‘aym ibn Hammaad in al-Fitan, Ahmad in al-Musnad, at-Tirmidhi, and al-Bayhaqi in Dalaa’il an-Nubuwwah. However, scholars like Ibn Hajar and Shaykh al-Albaani classified this Hadith as weak due to the chain of narration involving Rishdeen ibn Sa‘d, a narrator deemed unreliable by many hadith scholars.

Important Points Discussed in Hadith 1

Emergence of Black Banners

The black banners are symbolic and represent a movement that will start in Khurasan and spread toward Jerusalem. The group carrying these banners will face no resistance in their mission.

Historical Context of Khurasan

Historically, Khurasan was a vast region covering parts of modern-day Iran and Afghanistan. It has been a strategic location in Islamic history, which adds significance to the mention of black banners arising from this area.


The Hadiths regarding Khurasan, although classified as weak by scholars due to issues in the chain of narration, provide an interesting insight into Islamic eschatology and historical movements. The emergence of black banners from Khurasan is a symbol that carries deep meaning in Islamic thought. Even though the authenticity of these narrations is debated, their symbolic value remains significant for many Muslims.

Also Read

  • Khurasan in Islamic History
  • Black Banners Prophecy
  • Hadith about End Times
  • Khurasan and Mahdi
  • Symbolism in Islamic Narrations