In Islam, kindness is one of the most important virtues that a believer can practice. It’s a quality emphasized in many sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The following Hadiths focus on the acts of kindness, how they shape human behaviour, and why they are crucial for both individual well-being and societal harmony. Let’s explore these Hadiths in detail, with each one highlighted in different sections.
The Believer is Friendly
Hadith in English
Hadith in Arabic
Hadith in Urdu
Reference of Hadith
Source: Musnad Aḥmad 22840
Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Al-Arna’ut
Key Lessons from the Hadith
This Hadith teaches us about the importance of friendliness and sociability. Being kind, approachable, and friendly are integral to a believer’s character. The Prophet (PBUH) emphasizes that no good can come from someone who cannot foster relationships or be approachable. It encourages us to build positive, lasting relationships based on kindness.
The Hellfire is Forbidden to Gentle People
Hadith in English
Hadith in Arabic
Hadith in Urdu
Reference of Hadith
Source: Musnad Abī Ya’lá 1853
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani
Important Points Discussed in the Hadith
This Hadith stresses the importance of gentleness, leniency, and approachability. The Prophet (PBUH) guarantees protection from Hellfire for those who embody these qualities. A kind person who is easy-going and approachable contributes to a peaceful society and is beloved by Allah. Kindness doesn’t just impact the individual; it makes the community more harmonious.
Gentleness in a Household
Hadith in English
Hadith in Arabic
Hadith in Urdu
Reference of Hadith
Source: Fawā’id Abī Bakr al-Abharī 18
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani
Explanation of the Hadith
This Hadith reflects the significance of kindness within the household. When Allah loves a family, He blesses them with gentleness, which creates a loving and peaceful home environment. This Hadith encourages us to be kind and soft-hearted with our family members, as it is a reflection of Allah’s love for us.
Hospitality and Courtesy
Hadith in English
Hadith in Arabic
Hadith in Urdu
Reference of Hadith
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 48
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim
Key Insights from the Hadith
This Hadith outlines the etiquette of hospitality. It advises us to be courteous to guests but not overburden the host. The Prophet (PBUH) emphasizes that staying too long with someone can lead to discomfort and possibly sinful situations, as the host may feel pressured beyond his capacity.
The Prophet’s Kindness Towards Dependents
Hadith in English
Anas ibn Malik reported: I have never seen anyone more merciful to his dependents than the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him.
Hadith in Arabic
Hadith in Urdu
Reference of Hadith
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2316
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim
Understanding the Mercy of the Prophet
This Hadith highlights the Prophet’s unmatched kindness towards his dependents. It teaches us to treat our families with love, patience, and mercy, following the example of the Prophet (PBUH), who was the epitome of compassion.
These Hadiths provide profound insights into the acts of kindness that Islam encourages. From being friendly and gentle to hosting guests with courtesy and showing mercy towards dependents, these teachings foster a caring and harmonious society. Practising these acts of kindness ensures that we follow the path of righteousness, please Allah, and live a fulfilling life.