Hadiths About Taraweeh Prayers

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Taraweeh prayers are an essential part of Ramadan, and their significance is reflected in many hadiths. Through these hadiths, we learn about the importance of standing in prayer during the night, the virtue of congregation, and the rewards that come with sincere worship. For instance, one hadith emphasizes that praying during Ramadan with sincere faith leads to the forgiveness of past sins. Another hadith narrates how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) led people in Taraweeh but refrained from making it obligatory, out of mercy for his followers. Let’s explore these hadiths in detail.

Hadiths About Taraweeh Prayers

Praying at Night in Ramadan

Narrated by Abu Huraira

“I heard Allah’s Apostle saying regarding Ramadan, ‘Whoever prayed at night in it (the month of Ramadan) out of sincere Faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven.'”

Important Aspects of This Hadith

This hadith emphasizes the importance of faith and intention. It tells us that the key to receiving Allah’s forgiveness is sincere faith and the hope for His reward. By standing in prayer during the night in Ramadan, a person can have their past sins erased, which reflects the merciful nature of Allah.

Praying at Night in Ramadan (Urdu)

حضرت ابو ہریرہ رضی اللہ عنہ سے روایت ہے
“میں نے رسول اللہ ﷺ کو رمضان کے بارے میں فرماتے ہوئے سنا کہ جو کوئی اس ماہ میں رات کو خالص ایمان کے ساتھ اور اللہ سے اجر کی امید رکھتے ہوئے نماز پڑھتا ہے، اس کے پچھلے گناہ معاف کر دیے جائیں گے۔”

Praying at Night in Ramadan (Arabic)

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال
“سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول في رمضان: من قامه إيماناً واحتساباً غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه.”

Taraweeh in Congregation

Narrated by Abu Huraira

“The Prophet said, ‘Whoever prayed at night the whole month of Ramadan out of sincere faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven.’ Ibn Shihab added, ‘Allah’s Apostle died, and the people continued observing that (i.e., Nawafil offered individually, not in congregation), and it remained like that during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr and in the early days of ‘Umar’s Caliphate.'”

Important Aspects of This Hadith

This hadith provides a glimpse into the early Islamic era when Taraweeh was performed both individually and in groups. Umar ibn Al-Khattab later organized it into congregations, showing flexibility in practising Taraweeh. The hadith also reinforces that performing Taraweeh with the right intention results in the forgiveness of sins.

Taraweeh in Congregation (Urdu)

حضرت ابو ہریرہ رضی اللہ عنہ سے روایت ہے
“رسول اللہ ﷺ نے فرمایا، جو کوئی رمضان کی تمام راتیں خالص ایمان کے ساتھ اور اجر کی امید رکھتے ہوئے نماز پڑھتا ہے، اس کے پچھلے گناہ معاف کر دیے جائیں گے۔ ابن شہاب نے مزید کہا، رسول اللہ ﷺ کا انتقال ہو گیا اور لوگ انفرادی طور پر نفل پڑھتے رہے، اور حضرت عمر کے ابتدائی دور خلافت تک یہ سلسلہ جاری رہا۔”

Taraweeh in Congregation (Arabic)

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال
“قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: من قام رمضان إيماناً واحتساباً غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه. قال ابن شهاب: توفي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم والناس يصلون كذلك.”

Prayers Led by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Narrated by Aisha (RA)

“Allah’s Apostle used to pray (at night) in Ramadan.”

Important Aspects of This Hadith

This brief hadith simply states that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) prayed at night during Ramadan. Although it is short, it highlights the importance the Prophet placed on nightly prayers. His actions serve as a guide for Muslims to follow in performing Taraweeh prayers during Ramadan.

Prayers Led by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (Urdu)

حضرت عائشہ رضی اللہ عنہا سے روایت ہے
“رسول اللہ ﷺ رمضان کی راتوں میں نماز پڑھا کرتے تھے۔”

Prayers Led by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (Arabic)

عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت
“كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يصلي في رمضان.”

Reference to the Hadiths

All these hadiths are taken from Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 32, related to the acts of worship during Ramadan, specifically Taraweeh. The reference of each hadith is essential to ensure its authenticity and provide clarity on its origin. These hadiths reflect both individual and congregational prayers, showing the Prophet’s (PBUH) mercy in not making Taraweeh obligatory, yet highlighting its immense spiritual value.

The Importance of Taraweeh Prayers

Taraweeh is not obligatory, but it is a highly recommended Sunnah during Ramadan. By performing these prayers, Muslims connect with Allah, seeking His mercy and forgiveness. The unity and spirituality found in congregational Taraweeh also strengthen the bonds within the Muslim community.

Lessons from Hadiths on Taraweeh

Sincere Faith and Hope for a Reward

One of the main themes in the hadiths is the importance of sincere faith and hoping for Allah’s reward. Whether performing Taraweeh alone or in the congregation, it should be done to please Allah.

Congregational Prayer

The narration about Umar bin Khattab’s decision to organize Taraweeh in congregation teaches us that Islam allows for innovations in practice that bring ease and unity, as long as they don’t contradict the core principles of the religion.

Flexibility in Worship

Taraweeh can be prayed individually or in a congregation. Both methods are valid, showing that Islam provides flexibility to accommodate people’s circumstances.

Topics Covered

  • Ramadan night prayers
  • Taraweeh virtues
  • Sincere worship during Ramadan
  • Ramadan prayer forgiveness
  • Night of Qadr importance
  • Prophet’s guidance on Taraweeh
  • Standing in night prayers Ramadan
  • Rewards for Taraweeh prayers
  • Congregational Taraweeh in Ramadan
  • Prophet Muhammad’s prayer habits


Taraweeh prayers are an important act of worship during Ramadan. They allow Muslims to seek Allah’s forgiveness, connect with Him during the holy month, and strengthen their faith. The hadiths discussed in this article emphasize the sincerity, faith, and hope for a reward that should be present when performing Taraweeh. Whether prayed individually or in the congregation, the spiritual benefits are immense, and the rewards from Allah are promised to be great. As we strive to perform Taraweeh, we should keep in mind the example of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and follow his guidance with sincerity and devotion.