Ramadan’s Second Ashra Dua for Forgiveness and Blessings
The second Ashra (ten days) of Ramadan is a time filled with blessings, mercy, and above all, forgiveness. During this period, seeking Allah’s forgiveness holds immense importance. There is a special dua dedicated to this Ashra that focuses on asking for forgiveness. Through this dua, we seek Allah’s pardon for our sins and turn to Him in repentance. Let’s explore the significance of this dua in detail.
Read more: Second Ashra Dua In Urdu
The Dua for the Second Ashra of Ramadan
Dua (Arabic):
اَسْتَغْفِرُ اللہَ رَبِّی مِنْ کُلِّ زَنْبٍ وَّ اَتُوْبُ اِلَیْہِ
Translation (English):
Astagfirullaha rab-bi min kulli zambiyon wa-atoobuilaiyh
“I seek forgiveness from Allah for all my sins and turn to Him.”
When to Recite the Dua
The best time to recite this dua is during the second Ashra of Ramadan, which is the period of forgiveness. Ideally, it should be recited during Suhoor (pre-dawn meal), Iftar (breaking of fast), and after prayers, but you can recite it anytime you feel the need to turn to Allah in repentance and seek His forgiveness.
The Importance of this Dua
This dua is a reminder that every human makes mistakes and commits sins, and we should always turn to Allah for forgiveness. Allah, in His boundless mercy, is always ready to forgive those who sincerely seek His pardon. Through this dua, we ask for forgiveness for both small and major sins and show our repentance. It is a beautiful expression of humility and regret before Allah, showing our willingness to mend our ways.
How to Recite the Dua with a Sincere Heart
Merely reciting the words of the dua is not enough; it’s important to bring sincerity and mindfulness into the act. When you recite this dua, bring into your heart the realization of your sins, genuine regret, and a sincere intention to turn back to Allah. Allah hears the call of every servant, and prayers made with a sincere heart are always accepted.
The Message of Forgiveness in the Second Ashra
During the first Ashra of Ramadan, we ask for Allah’s mercy. In the second Ashra, we shift our focus to seeking forgiveness. This time allows us to reflect on our past actions, seek Allah’s pardon, and work towards becoming better individuals. The dua carries a deep message of introspection and repentance.
Incorporating This Dua into Daily Life
Though this dua is specifically associated with Ramadan’s second Ashra, it can be a powerful tool of repentance at any time of the year. Whenever you feel the need to seek forgiveness, recite this dua with full sincerity, asking Allah to cleanse you from your sins and guide you on the right path.
1. When should this dua be recited during the second Ashra of Ramadan?
This dua can be recited during Suhoor, Iftar, and after prayers, but it can be recited anytime throughout the day or night.
2. Is this dua only meant for Ramadan?
No, this dua can be recited at any time throughout the year, especially when you feel regret for your sins and want to seek Allah’s forgiveness.
3. What are the benefits of reciting this dua?
This dua helps a believer express repentance and seek forgiveness from Allah for all sins, gaining His mercy and pardon.