Overview and Importance of Surah An-Najm
Surah An-Najm, the 53rd chapter of the Quran, is a powerful and profound Surah revealed in Makkah. The title “An-Najm” translates to “The Star,” and the Surah begins with an oath by the star, which is a significant celestial sign in Islamic teachings. This Surah consists of 62 verses and is one of the key Makkan Surahs that emphasizes the truth of the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) mission and the reality of the revelation he received.
The importance of Surah An-Najm lies in its strong affirmation of the authenticity of the Prophet’s (PBUH) vision and his encounter with Angel Jibril (Gabriel). It serves as a rebuttal to the disbelievers who questioned the Prophet’s (PBUH) experience of divine revelation. Surah An-Najm also highlights the futility of idol worship and the false beliefs held by the polytheists. It addresses the misconceptions about intercession by false gods and idols, reminding believers that ultimate authority and decision-making power rest with Allah alone.
The Surah ends with a vivid reminder of the Day of Judgment, urging people to reflect on their actions and the consequences they will face. The command to prostrate in the final verse underscores the humility and submission required of believers before Allah. Surah An-Najm serves as a call to the people of Makkah to recognize the truth of Islam, abandon their false practices, and embrace the guidance brought by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Read more: Surah An-Najm with Urdu Translation
Key Lessons from Surah An-Najm
Affirmation of the Prophet’s (PBUH) Truthfulness
One of the key lessons from Surah An-Najm is the affirmation of the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) truthfulness and the authenticity of his experiences. The Surah begins with a powerful oath by the star, emphasizing that the Prophet’s (PBUH) visions and encounters with Angel Jibril were real and divinely guided. This lesson reinforces the credibility of the Prophet (PBUH) as the final messenger of Allah, whose teachings are based on divine revelation.
Rejection of False Deities
Surah An-Najm strongly condemns the worship of idols and false deities, pointing out the futility of such practices. The Surah highlights that these idols hold no power or influence and that attributing divinity is a grave error. This lesson serves as a reminder to uphold the oneness of Allah (Tawhid) and to reject all forms of shirk (associating partners with Allah).
The Reality of the Hereafter
Another critical lesson from Surah An-Najm is emphasising the reality of the Hereafter and the consequences of one’s actions. The Surah vividly depicts the Day of Judgment, where every soul will be held accountable for its deeds. This serves as a warning to those who deny the Hereafter and a reminder for believers to live their lives under Islamic principles, keeping the ultimate accountability in mind.
Importance of Humility and Submission
The command to prostrate at the end of Surah An-Najm underscores the importance of humility and submission to Allah. This act of prostration symbolizes the believer’s recognition of Allah’s greatness and their own dependence on Him. The lesson here is to maintain humility, recognize our limitations, and submit fully to the will of Allah in all aspects of life.
Benefits of Reciting Surah An-Najm
Strengthening Faith
Reciting Surah An-Najm strengthens a believer’s faith by reinforcing the truth of the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) mission and the reality of divine revelation. It serves as a reminder of the authenticity of Islam and the importance of adhering to its teachings.
Protection from Misguidance
Surah An-Najm offers protection from misguidance by condemning idol worship and false beliefs. Reciting this Surah regularly helps to keep one’s beliefs aligned with the principles of Tawhid, ensuring that one remains on the straight path.
Reminder of the Hereafter
The vivid descriptions of the Hereafter in Surah An-Najm serve as a powerful reminder of the afterlife. Reciting this Surah encourages believers to reflect on their actions and the consequences they will face, motivating them to seek forgiveness and strive for righteousness.
Encouragement to Uphold Justice
Surah An-Najm encourages believers to uphold justice in all aspects of life. By reflecting on the Surah’s teachings, one is reminded of the importance of fairness, honesty, and integrity in dealings with others.

Tafseer of Surah An-Najm
Ayahs 1-5
The Surah opens with Allah swearing by the star as it descends, a majestic and awe-inspiring scene that captures the attention of the listeners. This oath signifies the importance of what is to come, emphasizing the gravity of the message. The next verses affirm that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has not strayed or erred, and that his words are not the result of personal desires or conjecture. Instead, they are a revelation sent down by Allah, conveyed to him by the mighty Angel Jibril.
The reference to the star and the divine revelation serves as a powerful contrast to the beliefs of the polytheists, who were misled by the stars and other celestial bodies they worshipped. The Surah underscores that true guidance comes from Allah alone, and the Prophet (PBUH) is the chosen messenger to deliver this guidance to humanity.
Ayahs 6-10
In these verses, Allah describes the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) encounter with Angel Jibril. Jibril is described as having tremendous power and authority, and the Prophet (PBUH) saw him in his true form during this encounter. This vision took place at the highest point of the horizon, a momentous event that further solidified the Prophet’s (PBUH) role as the messenger of Allah.
The Surah then mentions the closeness of the encounter, with Jibril descending to a distance of “two bow-lengths or nearer.” This signifies the profound connection between the Prophet (PBUH) and the divine message he received. The description of this encounter serves to strengthen the believer’s faith in the authenticity of the revelation and the elevated status of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as Allah’s chosen messenger.
Ayahs 11-15
These verses continue to affirm the truth of the Prophet’s (PBUH) vision, emphasizing that he did not lie about what he saw. The vision is described as a clear, undeniable experience, witnessed by the Prophet (PBUH) with his own eyes. The reference to the “Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundary” marks the point beyond which no creation, not even the angels, can pass. This tree is located in the highest part of Paradise, and it is where the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) saw Angel Jibril in his true form.
The significance of this event lies in its affirmation of the Prophet’s (PBUH) role as the final messenger, who was granted the honor of witnessing such a divine scene. It reinforces the idea that the guidance brought by the Prophet (PBUH) is rooted in direct divine revelation, and thus, it holds the utmost authority.
Ayahs 16-20
These verses shift focus to the false beliefs of the polytheists, particularly their worship of the goddesses Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat. The Surah questions the logic behind these beliefs, pointing out the absurdity of attributing divinity to these idols. The idols are depicted as mere names that the disbelievers and their forefathers invented, without any authority from Allah.
The Surah strongly criticizes the idea that these idols could intercede on behalf of the disbelievers, reminding them that intercession belongs to Allah alone. This serves as a warning to the polytheists and a reminder to the believers of the importance of maintaining Tawhid and rejecting all forms of shirk.
Ayahs 21-25
In these verses, Allah questions the disbelievers’ preference for male offspring while attributing female offspring to Allah, highlighting the inconsistency and injustice in their beliefs. This reflects the deep-rooted sexism in pre-Islamic Arabian society, where female offspring were often devalued.
The Surah then criticizes the disbelievers for following nothing but conjecture and desires, rather than seeking true guidance from Allah. It emphasizes that guidance comes only from Allah and that He alone has knowledge of the unseen and the ultimate reality. The verses serve as a reminder to the believers to seek guidance from Allah and to trust in His wisdom and justice.
Ayahs 26-30
These verses continue the critique of the polytheists’ beliefs, particularly their reliance on the intercession of idols and false gods. The Surah reminds them that even the angels, who are much closer to Allah, cannot intercede without His permission. This underscores the futility of seeking help from anything or anyone other than Allah.
The Surah then contrasts the fate of those who turn away from Allah’s guidance with the reward of those who strive to please Him. Those who reject the truth and follow their desires are warned of a severe punishment, while the believers are reassured of Allah’s mercy and the rewards that await them in the Hereafter.
Ayahs 31-35
In these verses, Allah reminds the disbelievers that they cannot escape His judgment, whether in this life or the next. The Surah emphasizes that Allah is fully aware of everything, including the secrets of the heart and the true intentions behind every action. The disbelievers are warned that their deeds will be laid bare on the Day of Judgment, and they will be held accountable for their actions.
The Surah also addresses the misguided belief that wealth and offspring are signs of Allah’s favor. It points out that these worldly possessions are not an indication of success in the Hereafter, and they will not save anyone from Allah’s judgment. The verses serve as a reminder to the believers to focus on their deeds and to seek Allah’s pleasure rather than becoming preoccupied with worldly gains.
Ayahs 36-40
These verses provide a historical reminder to the disbelievers, referring to the fate of previous nations who rejected Allah’s guidance. The Surah mentions the people of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and Prophet Musa (AS), both of whom were given clear signs and guidance from Allah. Despite this, many of their people chose to reject the truth, leading to their eventual destruction.
The Surah warns the disbelievers of Makkah that they are on the same path as these previous nations if they continue to reject the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the message he brings. It serves as a cautionary tale, urging them to learn from the past and to embrace the guidance of Islam before it is too late.
Ayahs 41-45
These verses continue the theme of accountability, emphasizing that every individual is responsible for their own actions. The Surah highlights that each person will be rewarded or punished according to their deeds, and no one will bear the burden of another’s sins.
The Surah then shifts focus to the power and mercy of Allah, reminding the believers that He is the one who creates life and causes death. It emphasizes that Allah is the ultimate source of all blessings and that He alone has control over the fate of every individual. This serves as a reminder to place one’s trust in Allah and to remain steadfast in faith, knowing that He is fully aware of every situation and will provide for His servants.
Ayahs 46-50
In these verses, Allah reminds the believers of the creation of man from a drop of sperm, emphasizing the miraculous nature of human life and the power of Allah in bringing it into existence. The Surah highlights that Allah is the one who provides for His creation, including the creation of male and female pairs, which is essential for the continuation of life.
The Surah also emphasizes that Allah is the one who provides sustenance and wealth, reminding the believers to be grateful for His blessings and to recognize that everything they have comes from Him. This serves as a reminder to remain humble and to use one’s resources in a way that pleases Allah, knowing that they will be held accountable for how they used their blessings.
Ayahs 51-55
These verses serve as a warning to those who reject the truth and indulge in worldly pleasures, ignoring the signs of Allah. The Surah reminds them of the fate of previous nations, such as the people of ‘Ad, Thamud, and the people of Prophet Lut (AS), who were destroyed for their disobedience and rejection of Allah’s guidance.
The Surah emphasizes that Allah’s punishment is swift and severe, and those who continue to reject the truth will face the same fate as these previous nations. It serves as a reminder to the believers to remain steadfast in their faith and to avoid falling into the same traps as those who came before them.
Ayahs 56-62
In these final verses, the Surah returns to the theme of the Hereafter, reminding the disbelievers of the certainty of the Day of Judgment. The Surah emphasizes that on that day, all deeds will be brought to light, and every individual will be judged according to their actions.
The Surah concludes with a powerful command to prostrate before Allah, symbolizing the ultimate act of submission and humility. This act of prostration serves as a reminder to the believers of their duty to worship Allah alone and to submit fully to His will.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the main message of Surah An-Najm?
Surah An-Najm emphasizes the authenticity of the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) divine revelations, the futility of idol worship, and the reality of the Hereafter. It serves as a powerful reminder of the truth of Islam and the consequences of rejecting Allah’s guidance.
Why is Surah An-Najm significant?
Surah An-Najm is significant because it affirms the truth of the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) vision and encounter with Angel Jibril, counters the false beliefs of the polytheists, and highlights the importance of humility and submission to Allah.
What lessons can we learn from Surah An-Najm?
Key lessons from Surah An-Najm include the importance of recognizing the truth of divine revelation, rejecting false deities, understanding the reality of the Hereafter, and maintaining humility and submission to Allah.
What are the benefits of reciting Surah An-Najm?
Reciting Surah An-Najm strengthens faith, provides protection from misguidance, serves as a reminder of the Hereafter, and encourages believers to uphold justice and integrity in their lives.