# | Name | Transliteration | Meaning |
1 | عادل | Aadil | The Justice |
2 | عالم | Aalim | The Scholar |
3 | عبدالله | Abdullah | Slave of Allah |
4 | ابوالقاسم | Abu al Qaasim | The father of Qasim. |
5 | ابو الطاھر | Abu at Tahir | The father of Tahir. |
6 | ابوالطیب | Abu at Tayyib | The father of Tayyib. |
7 | ابو ابراھیم | Abu Ibrahim | The father of Ibrahim. |
8 | عفو | Afoow | Forgiver. |
9 | احید | Aheed | He who takes to one side. |
10 | احمد | Ahmad | Much praised |
11 | اجیر | Ajeer | He who is rewarded. |
12 | علم الایمان | Alam ul Eeman | The banner of faith. |
13 | علم الیقین | Alam ul Yaqeen | The banner of belief. |
14 | علم الھدیٰ | Alamul Hudaa | Banner of guidance. |
15 | علیم | Aleem | The Knowledgeable |
16 | امین | Ameen | The Honest One |
17 | النجم الثاقب | An Najm-us-Saqib | Shining star. |
18 | عاقب | Aqib | The Latest |
19 | عربی | Arabi | The Arabi |
20 | اول | Awwal | The First |
21 | عین الغر | Ayn ul Ghurr | The chief of the chosen one. |
22 | عین النعیم | Ayn un Naeem | The spring of blessing. |
23 | عزیز | Aziz | The Honoured One |
24 | بالغ | Baaligh | He who attains the elevated station. |
25 | بار | Bar | Pious |
26 | بشیر | Basheer | The Messenger of Good News |
27 | بیان | Bayan | Obvious words |
28 | برھان | Burhan | The Evidence |
29 | بشریٰ | Bushraa | Giver of good tidings. |
30 | داع | Daa | The Invitor |
31 | دلیل الخیرات | Daleel ul Khyayraat | To guide to virtue. |
32 | فاتح | Faateh | The Victor |
33 | فاضل | Faazil | Virtuous. |
34 | فصیح اللسان | Faseehul Lisaan | The eloquent of speech. |
35 | فتاح | Fatah | The Successor, The Opener |
36 | غنی | Ghani | The Rich |
37 | غریب | Gharib | The Poor |
38 | غوث | Ghaus | Succour, listener to complaints. |
39 | غیث | Ghays | Shower of mercy. |
40 | غیاث | Ghiyaas | Full of succour. |
41 | ھاد | Haad | The Leader |
42 | حبیب الله | Habeebullah | Beloved of Allah. |
43 | حبیب | Habieb | The Beloved |
44 | حفی | Hafeey | Very merciful. |
45 | حافظ | Hafiz | The Guardian |
46 | حکیم | Hakeem | The Wise |
47 | حامد | Hamid | The Praiser |
48 | حمید | Hamied | The Thankful |
49 | حق | Haq | The True, The Truth |
50 | حریص علیکم | Harees-un-Alaikum | The Covetous for the Believers |
51 | ھاشم | Hashim | The Destroyer, The Crusher of Evil |
52 | حاشر | Hashir | The Awakener, The Gatherer |
53 | ھاشمے | Hashmi | The Hashmi |
54 | ھدیه الله | Hidayatullah | Gift of Allah |
55 | حجازی | Hijazi | The Hijazi |
56 | حزب الله | Hizbullah | Army of Allah |
57 | ھدی | Hudaa | Guide |
58 | حجه | Hujjat | The Right Argument |
59 | اکلیل | Ikleel | Chief (of Prophets) |
60 | امام | Imam | The Guide |
61 | امام المتقین | Imamul Muttaqeen | Leader of the pious |
62 | عزالعرب | Izzul Arab | The honour of Arabs |
63 | جامع | Jaami | Perfect |
64 | جبار | Jabbar | Dominant |
65 | جواد | Jawwad | The Generous |
66 | کاف | Kaaf | Sufficient, enough |
67 | کامل | Kaamil | Perfect |
68 | کاشف الکرب | Kaashiful Kurab | He who solves difficulties |
69 | کفیل | Kafeel | Surety. |
70 | کلیم الله | Kaleemullah | Who converses with Allah. |
71 | کریم | Kareem | The Noble |
72 | خلیل الرحمٰن | Khaleel ur Rahman | The friend of Compassionate. |
73 | خلیل | Khalil | The True Friend |
74 | خاتم الانبیآء | Khatamul anbiya | Seal of the Prophets. |
75 | خاتم الرسل | Khatamur Rusul | Seal of Messengers. |
76 | خطیب الامم | Khateebul Umam | Sermoniser for the people. |
77 | خطیب | Khatieb | The Sermoniser |
78 | خاتم | Khatim | The Finalizer |
79 | ماح | Maah | The obliterator of Infidelity |
80 | مدنی | Madani | The Resident of Madina |
81 | مدعو | Madoow | Who is called. |
82 | مھد | Mahd | The Guided One |
83 | مھدی | Mahdee | Who is guided. |
84 | مھدی | Mahdiy | He Who is Well Guided |
85 | محمود | Mahmood | The Commendable |
86 | مکین | Makeen | Who is given Rank |
87 | مکین | Makeen | Who is given rank. |
88 | مخصوص بالعز | Makhsoos bil Izz | Chosen to be honoured. |
89 | مخصوص بالمجد | Makhsoos bil Majd | Chosen to be on the right path. |
90 | مخصوص بالشرف | Makhsoos bil Sharaf | Picked up as a noble. |
91 | معلوم | Maloom | Known. |
92 | مامون | Mamoon | Secure. |
93 | منصور | Mansoor | Who is helped |
94 | معراج | Maraj | The Place of Ascent, The Above |
95 | مشھود | Mashhood | He who is witnessed. |
96 | مشکور | Mashkoor | The Thankful |
97 | متین | Mateen | The Strong |
98 | موصول | Mawsool | Having link with Allah. |
99 | مفتاح | Miftaah | Key to the secrets. |